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[RECE] Il racconto di Watt Poe

4 risposte a questa discussione

#1 Kiny0

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Inviato 18 May 2012 - 03:57 PM

Il racconto di Watt Poe

Immagine inserita

Titolo originale: Watt Poe to Bokura no Ohanashi

Altro titolo: Il fantastico racconto di Watt Poe

Regia e sceneggiatura di Kageyama Shigenori

(pseudonimo di Morino Yosei)

Produzione: Giappone 1988

Formato: VHS, Edizioni Eden

Durata: 51'

Versione: 836


Il giovane Jam abita in un piccolo villaggio di pescatori. Un giorno suo nonno gli racconta però di quanto negli ultimi anni la pesca va male e perché: i Falchi d'Acciaio che vivono sulla montagna lì vicino hanno infatti rapito Watt Poe, il grande narvalo protettore del mare, privando le reti dei pescatori della sua benedizione. Jam partirà allora attraverso la giungla per raggiungere i Falchi d'Acciaio e cercare di riportare Watt Poe al mare.


Trafficando tra le mie vecchie VHS mi è capitata tra le mani quella dell'OAV di Watt Poe che sicuramente molti di voi conosceranno già. Uscito in Italia, su VHS (oggi difficilmente reperibile) e in seguito trasmesso da qualche emittente locale, nel 1991. Avendolo rivisto recentemente mi è venuto spontaneo paragonarlo ad alcuni lungometraggi di Hayao Miyazaki: l'ambientazione futurista, i paesaggi spettacolari, i due ragazzini protagonisti... Ovviamente Kageyama non regge il confronto col Maestro però volevo (ri)portare alla luce, e all'attenzione di tutti ma soprattutto di noi appassionati, un film caduto purtroppo nel dimenticatoio. Un semplice e sincero anime realizzato perlopiù per un pubblico molto giovane ma che può far riflettere anche gli adulti, trattando grandi e attualissimi temi come amore, tolleranza, pacifismo, ecologia. Il tutto condito da alcuni momenti esilaranti e d'azione. Un film per tutta la famiglia!

Qui sotto la bellissima sigla finale.

Buona visione!

Messaggio modificato da Kiny0 il 12 January 2020 - 02:28 PM

Immagine inserita

Traduzioni, recensioni*, adattamenti** e film ora in DVD***
Cinema Asiatico: Lost in Beijing (2007), Buddha Mountain (2010: w/ fabiojappo), Dirty Maria (1998), Samurai Rebellion (1967)***, The Ravaged House (2004: w/ fabiojappo), Freesia: Bullet Over Tears (2007), Il racconto di Watt Poe (1988)*, Cuffs (2002), Tokyo Marigold (2001: w/ fabiojappo), Villon's Wife (2009), Yellow Flower (1998), Going My Home - ep.6 (2012), A Gap in the Skin (2005), Inuyashiki (2018), Ajin: Demi-Human (2017), Dream, After Dream (1981), Chime (2024);
Altro Cinema: A Time for Drunken Horses (2000)**, Marooned in Iraq (2002), Mio in the Land of Faraway (1987), Breath (2017), High Ground (2020)***, Eroica (2003), Japan's Secret Shame (2018), La maman et la putain (1973)**, Les petites fugues (1979);
Retrospettive: Kumakiri Kazuyoshi (w/ fabiojappo & Tyto), Asano Tadanobu (w/ calimerina66, fabiojappo & ReikoMorita);
Revisioni: 1778 Stories of Me and My Wife (2011), Under the Hawthorn Tree (2011), Mekong Hotel (2012), Headshot (2011), BARFI! (2012), Rhino Season (2012), Metéora (2012), Secret Chronicle: She Beast Market (1974), The Other Bank (2009), The Good Road (2013), Just the Wind (2012), Daf (2003), AUN (2011), Jin (2013), Day and Night (2004), Nothing's all bad (2010), Saving General Yang (2013), Miss Zombie (2013), Legend of the Wolf (1997), Here comes the Bride (2010), Omar (2013), The Missing Picture (2013), The Legend of the Eight Samurai (1983), A Scoundrel (1965), Hope (2013), Empress Wu Tse-Tien (1963), Be with You (2018), Rage (2016), Himeanole (2016), Her Love Boils Bathwater (2016), Cutie Honey: Tears (2016), Good Morning Show (2016), Capturing Dad (2013), The 8-Year Engagement (2017), Golden Slumber (2018), When I Get Home, My Wife Always Pretends To Be Dead (2018), In the Heat of the Sun (1994), Memories of Tomorrow (2006), Send Me to the Clouds (2019), Éloge de l'amour (2001), Don Quixote (2010), Petal Dance (2013), The Family (2015), The Silent Forest (2020), Seobok (2021), Sweet Little Lies (2010), Passion (2008), The Witness (2018), Eyes of the Spider (1998), The Day of Destruction (2020), Under the Open Sky (2020), A midsummer's Fantasia (2014), The Witch: Part 1 - The Subversion (2018), Blind Woman's Curse (1970), Tonda Couple (1980), Kagero-za (1981), Haruko Azumi Is Missing (2016), Blue (2002), I Am Waiting (1957), Tugumi (1990), Girls' Encounter (2017), The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On (1987), Yumeji (1991), Fukuoka (2020), Ju Dou (1990)**, Satan's Slaves (2017), Apart (2020), Sauve qui peut (la vie) (1980).

#2 fabiojappo


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Inviato 18 May 2012 - 05:39 PM

Visualizza MessaggioKiny0, il 18 May 2012 - 03:57 PM, ha scritto:

Trafficando tra le mie vecchie VHS mi è capitata tra le mani
Grande ! Un giorno scaverò anche io...

#3 Kiny0

    Direttore del montaggio

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Inviato 18 May 2012 - 05:43 PM

Eh sì Fabio, questo anime è stupendo. Il mio parere l'ho scritto sopra nella rece ma ogni volta che lo rivedo mi viene la pelle d'oca. Lo conoscevi già?

Immagine inserita

Traduzioni, recensioni*, adattamenti** e film ora in DVD***
Cinema Asiatico: Lost in Beijing (2007), Buddha Mountain (2010: w/ fabiojappo), Dirty Maria (1998), Samurai Rebellion (1967)***, The Ravaged House (2004: w/ fabiojappo), Freesia: Bullet Over Tears (2007), Il racconto di Watt Poe (1988)*, Cuffs (2002), Tokyo Marigold (2001: w/ fabiojappo), Villon's Wife (2009), Yellow Flower (1998), Going My Home - ep.6 (2012), A Gap in the Skin (2005), Inuyashiki (2018), Ajin: Demi-Human (2017), Dream, After Dream (1981), Chime (2024);
Altro Cinema: A Time for Drunken Horses (2000)**, Marooned in Iraq (2002), Mio in the Land of Faraway (1987), Breath (2017), High Ground (2020)***, Eroica (2003), Japan's Secret Shame (2018), La maman et la putain (1973)**, Les petites fugues (1979);
Retrospettive: Kumakiri Kazuyoshi (w/ fabiojappo & Tyto), Asano Tadanobu (w/ calimerina66, fabiojappo & ReikoMorita);
Revisioni: 1778 Stories of Me and My Wife (2011), Under the Hawthorn Tree (2011), Mekong Hotel (2012), Headshot (2011), BARFI! (2012), Rhino Season (2012), Metéora (2012), Secret Chronicle: She Beast Market (1974), The Other Bank (2009), The Good Road (2013), Just the Wind (2012), Daf (2003), AUN (2011), Jin (2013), Day and Night (2004), Nothing's all bad (2010), Saving General Yang (2013), Miss Zombie (2013), Legend of the Wolf (1997), Here comes the Bride (2010), Omar (2013), The Missing Picture (2013), The Legend of the Eight Samurai (1983), A Scoundrel (1965), Hope (2013), Empress Wu Tse-Tien (1963), Be with You (2018), Rage (2016), Himeanole (2016), Her Love Boils Bathwater (2016), Cutie Honey: Tears (2016), Good Morning Show (2016), Capturing Dad (2013), The 8-Year Engagement (2017), Golden Slumber (2018), When I Get Home, My Wife Always Pretends To Be Dead (2018), In the Heat of the Sun (1994), Memories of Tomorrow (2006), Send Me to the Clouds (2019), Éloge de l'amour (2001), Don Quixote (2010), Petal Dance (2013), The Family (2015), The Silent Forest (2020), Seobok (2021), Sweet Little Lies (2010), Passion (2008), The Witness (2018), Eyes of the Spider (1998), The Day of Destruction (2020), Under the Open Sky (2020), A midsummer's Fantasia (2014), The Witch: Part 1 - The Subversion (2018), Blind Woman's Curse (1970), Tonda Couple (1980), Kagero-za (1981), Haruko Azumi Is Missing (2016), Blue (2002), I Am Waiting (1957), Tugumi (1990), Girls' Encounter (2017), The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On (1987), Yumeji (1991), Fukuoka (2020), Ju Dou (1990)**, Satan's Slaves (2017), Apart (2020), Sauve qui peut (la vie) (1980).

#4 fabiojappo


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Inviato 18 May 2012 - 05:45 PM

Visualizza MessaggioKiny0, il 18 May 2012 - 05:43 PM, ha scritto:

Lo conoscevi già?
Sì, ma lo ricordo vagamente. Se non lo trovo, me la presti un giorno che ci vediamo ?

Messaggio modificato da fabiojappo il 18 May 2012 - 05:46 PM

#5 Kiny0

    Direttore del montaggio

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  • I prefer: cinema

Inviato 18 May 2012 - 05:48 PM

Certo. ;)

Immagine inserita

Traduzioni, recensioni*, adattamenti** e film ora in DVD***
Cinema Asiatico: Lost in Beijing (2007), Buddha Mountain (2010: w/ fabiojappo), Dirty Maria (1998), Samurai Rebellion (1967)***, The Ravaged House (2004: w/ fabiojappo), Freesia: Bullet Over Tears (2007), Il racconto di Watt Poe (1988)*, Cuffs (2002), Tokyo Marigold (2001: w/ fabiojappo), Villon's Wife (2009), Yellow Flower (1998), Going My Home - ep.6 (2012), A Gap in the Skin (2005), Inuyashiki (2018), Ajin: Demi-Human (2017), Dream, After Dream (1981), Chime (2024);
Altro Cinema: A Time for Drunken Horses (2000)**, Marooned in Iraq (2002), Mio in the Land of Faraway (1987), Breath (2017), High Ground (2020)***, Eroica (2003), Japan's Secret Shame (2018), La maman et la putain (1973)**, Les petites fugues (1979);
Retrospettive: Kumakiri Kazuyoshi (w/ fabiojappo & Tyto), Asano Tadanobu (w/ calimerina66, fabiojappo & ReikoMorita);
Revisioni: 1778 Stories of Me and My Wife (2011), Under the Hawthorn Tree (2011), Mekong Hotel (2012), Headshot (2011), BARFI! (2012), Rhino Season (2012), Metéora (2012), Secret Chronicle: She Beast Market (1974), The Other Bank (2009), The Good Road (2013), Just the Wind (2012), Daf (2003), AUN (2011), Jin (2013), Day and Night (2004), Nothing's all bad (2010), Saving General Yang (2013), Miss Zombie (2013), Legend of the Wolf (1997), Here comes the Bride (2010), Omar (2013), The Missing Picture (2013), The Legend of the Eight Samurai (1983), A Scoundrel (1965), Hope (2013), Empress Wu Tse-Tien (1963), Be with You (2018), Rage (2016), Himeanole (2016), Her Love Boils Bathwater (2016), Cutie Honey: Tears (2016), Good Morning Show (2016), Capturing Dad (2013), The 8-Year Engagement (2017), Golden Slumber (2018), When I Get Home, My Wife Always Pretends To Be Dead (2018), In the Heat of the Sun (1994), Memories of Tomorrow (2006), Send Me to the Clouds (2019), Éloge de l'amour (2001), Don Quixote (2010), Petal Dance (2013), The Family (2015), The Silent Forest (2020), Seobok (2021), Sweet Little Lies (2010), Passion (2008), The Witness (2018), Eyes of the Spider (1998), The Day of Destruction (2020), Under the Open Sky (2020), A midsummer's Fantasia (2014), The Witch: Part 1 - The Subversion (2018), Blind Woman's Curse (1970), Tonda Couple (1980), Kagero-za (1981), Haruko Azumi Is Missing (2016), Blue (2002), I Am Waiting (1957), Tugumi (1990), Girls' Encounter (2017), The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On (1987), Yumeji (1991), Fukuoka (2020), Ju Dou (1990)**, Satan's Slaves (2017), Apart (2020), Sauve qui peut (la vie) (1980).

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